Index of /ipv6-hackit/
Name | Last Modified | Size |
2010-05-22 19:32 | - | |
2010-05-22 19:32 | - | |
2010-05-22 19:40 | - | |
2010-05-23 06:50 | - | |
2010-08-07 19:45 | - | |
2010-05-23 06:47 | 6k |
--[i]-- IPv6 Hackit Feature
Content of this hackit :
1. Host enumeration tools
2. TCP port scanner tools
3. Googling tools
4. Gaining IPv6 DNS record tools
5. IPv6 exploitation on single or massive hosts
6. Getting shell from binding shellcode payloads
7. Getting shell from reverse shallcode payloads
8. Binding backdoor
--[ii]-- Getting Started
Get this tools from
--[iii]-- Compilation
Compilation isn't needed since this tools using perl intrepeter language.
Just simply extract source code!
--[iv]-- Usage
To run this perl ipv6 hackit, your box must be completed with some perl module.
You can install them using cpan, this following modules are required:
1. strict
2. warnings
3. Switch
4. English
5. Net::DNS
7. Getopt::Long
8. LWP::UserAgent
9. HTTP::Message
10. IO::Socket::INET6
You may learn how to use this tool by reading files in how-to directory.
--[v]-- Copyright
Ph03n1X (c) 2010
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